Unlock Your Highest Potential.

Amaal Ghadieh

Amaal Ghadieh is a licensed Award winning ABNLP Master Timeline Therapist, Master NLP Practitioner, and Master Hypnotherapist. She helps individuals achieve their personal and professional goals through proven methods such as hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, and Timeline Therapy. Amaal’s focus is on helping individuals release pent-up emotions and heal from past traumas, which she believes will enable them to realize their true potential, improve their academic or professional performance, and social skills.

Amaal has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and has dedicated her career to humanitarian work. She has successfully managed various programs for post-traumatic adolescents in war zones areas, and has established six children and youth centers. She is also an interior designer, makeover consultant, and an award-winning author. Moreover, she is a licensed Practitioner for the Fast ForWord® program, which is aimed at enhancing cognitive skills in children and youth to help them overcome education challenges.

Amaal’s mission is to motivate children and adults to overcome mental challenges and develop their personalities for a healthy and successful life. Her vision is to enhance the quality of life of people affected by depression, anxiety, negative emotions, and reduce the associated stigma is society. Her values include a human approach, empowerment, integrity, compassion, continuous learning, collaboration and innovation.