Unlock Your Highest Potential.

Peggy Sfeir

Peggy Sfeir is the Founder of Heal by Peggy, a platform made to guide her clients live their life purpose through the guidance of intuitive clairvoyant readings.
She possesses a unique and powerful gift as a clairvoyant reader, allowing her to tap into the unseen world and provide profound insights and guidance.
Her abilities as a clairvoyant have been honed through a lifetime of intuitive exploration, starting from her early days in Ghana, West Africa, where she was surrounded by the holistic and spiritual world.
Growing up in the African forest surrounded by nature, Peggy’s intuitive abilities flourished, enabling her to sense and feel things that others could not. Her fascination with the forces of nature and the power of spiritual rituals fueled her desire to explore her abilities as an Intuitive Holistic Coach.
Peggy combines her abilities with life coaching techniques to empower her clients on their transformative journeys. She goes beyond surface-level guidance, delving into the core of each individual’s being, uncovering hidden potentials, and unlocking inner strength.
With her holistic approach to healing, Peggy assists her clients in achieving greater balance in all aspects of life. Whether you seek clarity in your personal relationships, career choices, or spiritual path, Peggy’s intuitive guidance can illuminate your way forward.