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Breaking the Cycle: Healing from Childhood Trauma and Moving on

Written By: Amaal Ghadieh

About the Author:

Amaal Ghadieh is a licensed Award winning ABNLP Master Timeline Therapist, Master NLP Practitioner, and Master Hypnotherapist. She helps individuals achieve their personal and professional goals through proven methods such as hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, and Timeline Therapy. Moreover, she is a licensed practitioner for the Fast ForWord® program, which is aimed at enhancing cognitive skills in....

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Childhood trauma can have a significant negative impact on both children and adults. Some children are exposed to negative experiences in their surroundings, such as physical harm like hitting, slapping, or even shaking the child, emotional harm such as screaming, neglecting, or isolating the child, and sexual abuse.

At a young age, children cannot always recognize and label their emotions. The unconscious mind’s job is to repress memories with unresolved negative emotions and present them later for resolution. These experiences in childhood can have long-term effects, and this article sheds light on the most important consequences of childhood trauma and some strategies and techniques to help those who have suffered or experienced childhood traumas.

Firstly, childhood trauma can affect a child’s academic success. Studies have shown that traumatized children often struggle in school due to problems related to concentration, memory, and attention. Some children find it hard to retain information and learn new things.

Secondly, childhood trauma can affect children emotionally. Traumatized children may struggle to control and manage their emotions and experience intense negative emotions such as anger, fear, depression, and anxiety. Some may find it challenging to make and maintain friendships at school or on the playground.

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Additionally, childhood trauma can affect the physical health of children. Children who have experienced trauma for a prolonged period may be at risk of developing chronic diseases later in life, such as heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.

But how can adults recognize if they experienced traumatic events when they were young? Here are some signs that may indicate childhood trauma, even if the individual has forgotten the events:

1. Difficulty establishing and maintaining healthy relationships

2. Difficulty controlling or managing negative emotions and experiencing intense negative emotions such as excessive anger, depression, or anxiety

3. Negative thoughts in the form of negative beliefs such as “I am not enough,” “I am a loser,” and “I cannot be successful”

4. Avoiding certain people or circumstances due to suppressed negative emotions of guilt and shame.

Although childhood trauma has significant consequences, it is possible to heal and move on. Here are some steps or techniques that can be beneficial for wellbeing:

1. Reframing techniques, as discussed in a previous article, can help change our lives by changing our perspectives.

2. Anchoring techniques can help anchor positive states and eliminate unwanted behaviors such as stress and anxiety.

3. Time-line therapy, done with the help of a licensed therapist, can help revisit the event and resolve all negative emotions without having to remember the events.

4. Mindfulness exercises such as breathing, body scan, or daily gratitude can help individuals live in the present moment and calm themselves down.


5. Hypnotherapy can treat trauma symptoms regardless of its origin.

In conclusion, childhood trauma can lead to serious consequences if ignored and left untreated. Anyone who has experienced trauma can heal and move on in life with time, therapy, and patience.

By recognizing the signs of childhood trauma and seeking support and resources to heal, individuals can break the cycle of trauma and live fulfilling lives.

If you want to break the cycle and heal from trauma, book a free discovery call at Amaal Ghadieh


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