Unlock Your Highest Potential.

Grow With The Flow

Hi my name is Thei, the founder of GWF and board certified nutritionist. When I got diagnosed with PCOS and many other hormonal issues in 2015 I felt absolutely defeated.

I started doing research and how to heal myself and just found myself confused and frustrated with all the contradicting information out there.

This is when I started going back to basics and studying the female body and how it works.

I didn’t want to be on medication for the rest of my life, I wanted a natural, wholesome and holistic approach to healing.

By understanding the menstrual cycle and each of the 4 phases I was absolutely in awe of what our bodies are capable of doing for our health.

It not only provides absolute vitality but what we do now will have an impact on our next chapters in life, being perimenopause and menopause.

There is so much magic in food and lifestyle that we tend to underestimate it.

I don’t want anyone to feel as lost and defeated as I did, which is why I have spent years creating something so special (backed up by science and love) so every woman can feel empowered and proud of her body!

Grow With the Flow helps women navigate the confusing world of nutrition and lifestyle into a personalised approach to your specific being.

No matter what flow of life you are in from menstruating, perimenopause or menopause, we have got you!

We show you the amazing powers of the female body, how to understand it and how to unlock the truly amazing benefits of it.

From hormonal issues to just not feeling yourself we want you to know you are not alone!

There is so much healing power when it comes to food and lifestyle changes that can prevent and heal underlying health issues and we can’t wait to show the potential of your body!