Prana House is a wellness center co-founded by two friends that crossed paths through their own personal journeys in holistic healing and wellness. Both partners are qualified Reiki Masters and are also individually qualified in different therapeutic modalities. Their passion for wellness gave birth to Prana House; a wellness centre that believes in community and connection and aims to support and encourage experts, practitioners and instructors.
This kind of compulsive concern “I, me, and mine” isn’t the same as loving ourselves…Loving ourselves points us to capacities of resilience, compassion, and understanding within that are simply part of being alive.” Sharon Salzberg, The Force of Kindness Self-Compassion springs from the heart of mindfulness during moments of suffering. Mindfulness and Self-Compassion go hand in hand.
The first is about awareness, the second is about how we can respond to it (to our struggles) Do you find yourself being harsh on yourself (using diminishing self-talk)? Are you struggling with confidence? Are you struggling to celebrate your accomplishments? Do you find yourself struggling with your body image? Do you find yourself in the “never enough” mindset? Do you see yourself always comparing yourself with others leading you to feel diminished, and frustrated? Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed? Benefits: In this workshop, we will uncover and practice mindful self-compassion practices that can lead you to live life feeling greater happiness, satisfaction, and motivation, transform your relationships and improve your physical health, and decrease anxiety and depression.
Learn why and how in a highly competitive society, Self-compassion guides you to find resilience and overcome challenges and suffering. Learn why self-compassion can boost your confidence. Transform the relationship with yourself (and with others around you) Feel calmer and relaxed. Improve your sleep. Exercises that you can take with you to your daily life. Restorative and Yin practice
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