Written By: Best Talk in Town
About the Author:
Through my research and from what I usually speak with people, I noticed that we mainly focus on discussing the red flags, and it’s not bad as they are annoying and bring so much drama into our lives.
But how about the green flags that make things work and give us hope that there are still good, respectful, caring humans out there? People that care about our happiness, well-being, and how to share their love with us.
When we say red flags, it shows how dysfunctional, messed up, and many toxic people are.
On the other hand, green flags are meant to show us that there is hope and we can still find the right partner.
And this is why it is so important to mention and talk about them a little bit.
It’s just like when we communicate with our better half. We shouldn’t just talk about issues or what is bothering us. But also about what makes us happy and, more importantly, the nice things they do for us.
In a previous article, I talked about the fact that we chose to ignore the red flags instead of assessing the situation and talking to the other person.
Below are a couple of examples that, for me personally, are very important
Therefore, if red flags are a clear indication that in the long run, the relationship there is a high chance things won’t work, green flags show you that the person you are seeing is compatible with you, and most likely, you will form a healthy bond.
What are your green flags?
Visit Best Talk in Town to start your journey towards a healthy relationship!