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Store:  The Clean Touch
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Beautiful Feet Essential Oil Blend

Essential oil blend for dry and calloused feet

45 AED

Product Description
Dry, Calloused feet are uncomfortable and unsightly, but instead of paying for an expensive pedicure you can pamper your feet at home with this Beautiful feet oil blend. Simply apply this blend at bed time, put on a pair of socks and wake up to smooth, hydrated, sandal-worthy feet. Apply consistently to get effective results. Ingredients: Lemon, Frankincense, Peppermint, Oregano, Fractionated Coconut Oil Instructions: Take 1-2 drops and apply on the bottom of the feet, cover it with socks in order for the oil to absorb. Safety Instructions: ·   Do a patch test before the application ·   Avoid contact with eyes ·   If any irritation occurs, apply any carrier oil (coconut / olive / almond)

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