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Store:  The Clean Touch
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Epic Beard

Essential Oil Blend for beard growth and management

45 AED

Product Description
When you are trying to grow that epic beard, the one everyone looks at and admires, you have to take care of it. Thankfully, it doesn’t take very long to turn a beard from scraggly and crazy to manicured and handsome. To keep your beard soft and shiny, it is important you use essential oils to condition the beard and keep up its shine. Steps to a soft and shiny beard 1. Apply beard oil once per day 2. Pour a few drops of essential oils into your hands. 3. Work the oils through your beard until you’ve reached the hair tips, making sure that you evenly spread the oil over your beard and the underlying skin. Ingredients: Rosemary, Cedarwood, Lavender, Fractionated Coconut Oil Instructions: Take 1-2 drops in your palm and gentle massage on the beard Safety Instructions: ·   Do a patch test before the application ·   Avoid contact with eyes ·   If any irritation occurs, apply any carrier oil (coconut / olive / almond)

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